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(80/308) 755 - MacroManager mangles macro bundles

Macro Manager handles "macro bundles" -- archives (usually .zip or .tar.gz) containing multiple macros -- in the same way it handles .bsh files. It converts the archives into .bsh files and puts them in the designated macro directory. The resulting "macros" are a garbled mess and do not work.

Submitted toddprouty - 2006-11-15 21:10:03 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2006-11-15 21:10:03

An example of a macro bundle that is turned into a .bsh macro when installed using Macro Manager.

Previous_word_actions_with_nice_whitespace_eating_and_selection_movement_actions.bsh (11.6Kio)

2006-12-08 15:05:07

- **assigned_to**: nobody --> carmine

2012-01-23 02:31:50

- **assigned_to**: carmine --> nobody